Hana Lee Erdman

Hana Lee Erdman


Hana Lee Erdman is a choreographer and performer based in Berlin. She makes dance and performance emphasizing the production of movement and subjectivity as it relates to choreography and the sculptural image. She works on a long-term project with San Francisco artists, instigated by Keith Hennessy, called Turbulence (a dance about the economy). Hana’s own work has been shown internationally, most recently at Tanz Tage, Tanznacht and Ufer Studios in Berlin, as well as at Counterpulse and Kunst-Stoff in San Francisco. She has a music project with Jassem Hindi called Enemy in the Figure, and a performance project with Allison Lorenzin, called DIVINE LOVE ELECTRIC. She has worked previously with Shelton Mann (USA), Marysia Stokloska (Pl), Jess Curtiss (USA/De), Half/Machine (Dn), and Smith/Wymore productions(USA). Hana has a Masters in Solo/Dance/Authorship from the Hochschulübergreifenden Zentrum Tanz(HZT) (Center for Dance) in Berlin, where she was recently awarded support from the Frauenförderung (women’s support) initiative at Universität der Künste Berlin (UdK) for her participation in Turbulence.

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