Les Femmes Savantes

Les Femmes Savantes


Ab stract Brit tle Chao tic Com plex Con se quent Cu rious De tailed Dry Ex pressive E lec tro nic Fan tas tic Gut sy Hap py Hea vy Ir ra tio nal Jol ly Knot ty Ly ric Mi cro sco pic  Noi sy Om ni po tent Odd Pe dan tic Qua dra pho nic Quiet Re flected  Rough Risky Sharp So ber Trans pa rent Tho rough Ug ly Vio lent Wit ty Xx xY Zest ful Zig zag

Composers/Performer Ensemble

Les Femmes Savantes was founded in 2005 by five Berlin-based, internationally active composer-performers. Many of the musical directions present in Berlin’s cultural landscape are represented in the group’s network-like artistic structure. Each of these five interdisciplinary artists, variously from Germany, Argentina and Sweden, has developed her own creative language from the spectrum between contemporary composition, jazz, electronics, improvisation, sound art and performance art, so that genre boundaries play no role in their collective work. Les Femmes Savantes have performed at the “Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik”, the Sound Art Biennale in Ystad, the dBâle electronic music festival in Basel, and Ausland in Berlin.

Sabine Ercklentz – composition, trumpet, electronics
Hanna Hartman – composition, objects, electronics
Andrea Neumann – composition,  inside piano, mixer
Ana Maria Rodriguez – composition, electronics
Ute Wassermann – composition, voice, birdcall whistles, resonating objects

press opinions

“Sabine Ercklentz, Andrea Neumann, Ana Maria Rodriguez, Hanna Hartman and Ute Wassermann present, in changing formations, the synaesthetic multiplicity which characterises composition today in its widest sense: sound art, vocal virtuosity, gesture, visual expression and spatial dramaturgy flow together.” (Gerhard Rohde, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)


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