Marzipan Marzipan

Marzipan Marzipan

marzipan marzipan / DJ Panda

a crossover
experiment of
soft noise
lo-fi discodance
and countryswing

Marzipan Marzipan makes her own lo-fi orchestra using loops, guitar, keyboards, drum machine, toys, and just about anything else to bring her childlike fantasy world to life

Small, charming rock-miniatures. (...) The result was music whose minimalistic form wasn't far from an electroclash act like Peaches, but in tone and ring seemed closer related to early The Cure or Velvet Underground. (...) A pleasant, fresh and unpretentious acquaintance, which one would like to make again - or listen to again on her latest cd-r-release.
- Live review in Danish music
mag Geiger, august 2006




Image for Marzipan Marzipan
Image for Marzipan Marzipan

Marzipan Marzipan, DJ Panda aka Marzipan Marzipan

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